
    The experience that changed my life was an experience that I am quite sure some would say could bring nothing but utter freight. I could go on and on for an hour or two but I will try to shorten the experience to just this one spectacular night for you.
    I think I should call it the night the Holy Spirit saved my life. It was thirteen years ago. I was placed in the hospital to let the neurologist watch my brain flow. See, I had been in a horrific accident seven years before and I had been having seizures, each year more and more. I was prescribed many seizure medications and none of them seemed to work. Finally I found a neurologist that had a plan and did not treat as if I were an ignorant jerk.
    The plan was to take me off all the seizure meds while these electrodes were glued all over my head. Then they flashed bright lights into my eyes which induced seizures and let’s just say carried me to the other side.
    This does not all happen so quickly, so let me explain the way it happened for me.
    After the shining of the lights in my eyes all the doctors and nurses left the room but this was not goodbye. For I was still being observed and recorded on video so that the neurologist could find out what he needed to know. Which was what side of my brain the seizures were coming from and if I was a candidate for temporal lobectomy surgery, the ultimate sum!
    I would say it was around four in the afternoon, I knew my son and my husband would be leaving soon. I was feeling a bit relieved that no seizure had happened so far while my son was there to see. Then while he and I were just watching TV, I noticed the shelving breathing, moving in and out. This put deep fear in me.
    Just about them my son said to me “Mama, I have to go study, exam day in college tomorrow.” He asked me if he could pray for me and I said, “yes, son please.” He prayed to Jesus to heal his mother and he squeezed my hand. Finally my eyes opened to something before I could never understand.
    My son left and my husband came in with dinner for him & me. Before my son’s prayer I had been upset with my husband, my fear now I see, because he had to work early the next morning and after dinner he had planned to leave but now my fear had turned into some sort of strange peace. A realization this experience could only be for Jesus and me, so I told my husband goodnight and sweet dreams. I asked him to turn out the lights as he leaves.
    Then I began to pray out loud admitting to God all my sins, asking for forgiveness for the wild one at times I have been.
    As the night moved forward seizures began to flow. I do not remember much but this I know. I felt as if I had been swaddled up in the Holy Spirits arms. Where there was assurance I could make it through this night unharmed. Yes, I did have many grand mal seizures that night. Once I even paged the nurse and asked her if I could have the medications to gete off of this flight. She said I could but then this test would have been a waste, “they need more to mark the seizures trace”. I accepted her word as a challenge too and kept on having seizures till sometime around four AM, then I was through. Finally the doctor came in and told me the task was complete and now I could get some sleep.
    It was strange though, I did not feel all that tired as I had in the past even with just one seizure. For once I knew in God’s arms I am admired.
    My next visit with the neurologist he told me the results:
    I was a candidate for the surgery and he had scheduled it for me, thirteen years later on July 21st will be my Temporal Lobectomy surgery Anniversary. I am seizure free. Thank you Jesus for healing me.

    Wendy Ronshausen

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    • OMG Wendy, that is amazing. It sounds like a complete miracle. So sorry you had to go through all that to begin with — but so glad you were able to do the test and get the care that you needed to live your best life. Sending you hugs. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story Lauren. I truly appreciate this honor. It has been rough physically but I have learned so much about myself and the love of God through this experience. I actually feel blessed and would not change this from happening to me even if I could. I feel God had a purpose, teaching me how to overcome any problems and not let fear hold me back in life. I am so happy to have found and become part of the Unsealed family. I look forward to sharing my love of poetry.

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