  • kali026t submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write about a time you didn’t give upWrite about a time you didn’t give up 2 months ago

    Your Dreams Are Not Dead

    Dear Friend,
    I left my dreams at the front doorsteps, because everyone around me thought they knew what was best for me. So, I listened and stored away what I once held so dear to me, to satisfy the world around me. Conforming to the mold of lies that was created and pushed onto me. I felt ungenuine in my pursuits. It was not like me to follow the rest when my heart wasn’t in it. In return, it left my soul feeling very empty.

    If I could turn back time, I would have told my younger self that her dreams of being an artist were not silly. In my most important years, I regretted and thought I wasted my time choosing a path I thought would be more successful. In reality, I just took the long way around to get to the place that I am happy with. I learned it is okay to want and dream, hoping for a future full of possibilities. We all have gifts and talents that are uniquely ours, and you should not be ashamed of it. At times it may not be so clear as to what we are destined for in life and that is okay. You may fail multiple times and that’s okay, just pick yourself back up, try again or explore something new next time. It’s better to take it slow than to rush into something that will end up breaking you and causing you to feel miserable. If you choose to ignore your dreams, you grow up speaking about them as if they’ve passed away. They haunt you in the night, when you are most alone, consuming your mind with regret. I want you to know that it is never too late to pursue your dreams, no matter the course you choose for your life.

    Life is already difficult by itself, so why make it harder by denying the gifts that were given to you from the start. We all have strengths and weaknesses, so explore your passions to find that special niche you are good at. Most of all stay true to yourself, don’t get roped into the idea of conforming to this world. I may not have it all figured out at 25, but because of my experiences, I know what I don’t like. I’ve become less stubborn with myself to be able to pursue what I was made for. I love to write, create art and help others. One day I hope to be able to reach a wider audience with my work. For now, even if it’s just for one person, I am glad to be of help. I have an overwhelming amount of love I just want to share with others. I look forward to seeing where my life takes me. And so My Friend, I look forward to seeing where life takes you as well.
    With lots of love,
    Your Dear Friend Kali


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    Voting ends June 17, 2024 11:59pm

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    • I am so glad you decided to eventually ignore the naysayers and follow your heart. This is line was so powerful and so true: “If you choose to ignore your dreams, you grow up speaking about them as if they’ve passed away.”

      Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family.<3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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