  • gracecatan submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    the night we turned the porch light on

    there is always more
    of you to love

    this month i learned to throw a punch
    with painted nails from girls who loved
    to yell and sing covered in blood
    and huff and cry to feel enough
    of who we are beneath these gloves
    we sang “let it
    to card games and birthday cakes
    to your forks and my plates
    with « green light » in the background
    the porch’s bulb, the dancing
    sound, the alarm to cower
    if you burn a witch

    can i have this dance
    called theatre, kids
    too tipsy to know the rules
    when the cards are dealt
    on coffee spills
    and yet cackles abound

    hidden crunch bars in pockets
    whipped cream on faces
    drama we missed
    drawn out banter
    all a new good place
    yoghurt, flavor of the year
    only marks the clock’s ticks
    i was never ready to get
    on that plane when I lent you my polo
    i spun in that chair like a ‘coaster
    to stop the spilling of spirits
    to guard this tender ticker

    this place showed me
    how to find more to love in

    waffles and berries and potato soup
    and essays that taught us to punch
    holes in bags of delicate lies
    reveal a world of shared desires
    in the sunshine that rays from our lips
    and the leisure with which we exist
    expanding with
    each forehead kiss, my third
    carry-on premonitions
    until our next collision

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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