  • staturesque submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

    It’s Lighter Here

    Hey you,

    I know.

    You are seen.
    I see you.

    Your bloom is just around the corner so don’t lose your footing now. The load is much lighter here, after learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Elevation is right there. I see you spending days cuddled up in bed with God’s Word because you think the entire world doesn’t understand depth. Plus, speaking kindly to yourself just doesn’t feel natural. I see the mirrors decorating every wall just to reaffirm yourself: ‘I am well spoken and articulate’. From where I sit, Indian style and lifted of course, people do understand you when you speak; the depth, the substance. Our words penetrate souls and who is for you will align with you. And yes, it is ok to leave a little room for delusion in your life because reality is heavy and the truth is, everything seemingly holding you back is all an illusion anyway. Never mind the diagnosis and crises you believe could never get better.


    All in God’s timing, for you know ‘His ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts.’ Yet and still, you are there to give valuable and necessary think pieces. Here, you’ve finally made it to be remembered as a lighthouse; you store light, you pour light. You are a pathway to peace above all else. Your gift guides life directly to and from the Creator so don’t doubt yourself. For now, focus on being present in every task without strategizing the outcome.


    Your feet have already been blessed in every step you take. The ground you walk on is sacred. You can rest.


    Send kudos to the soldiers in their bullet proof vests; ours became too heavy to suit up in every single day so on this new land, I decided to take it off and bury it. Now, I protect myself by going where I’m celebrated and resting where peace greets me; speaking in spaces where my language flows freely and is reciprocated with flowers while I’m breathing. You are doing everything we first learn to do alone on our own – alone, so yes, you will know what beauty feels like when you invite someone along. Our wildest discovery in healing was that the process becomes a little easier once you learn to hurt. Not avoid it. Not fight it. And it is ok to count your blessings but mourning the pain and the scars of the lessons holds real weight too. So smile, Angelface, through the highs and the lows.


    Keep your balance and embrace the moments of weakness too. For when you are weak, He can be strong for you.


    You’re free. Survival mode taught you well but now softness is your robe. Adjust your crown and recognize your throne. Predestined for peace, is what you are – what you’ve been. The prayer hadn’t even existed on your lips until the plan to answer it said ‘begin”.


    Accept with worthiness what you deserve to reap, through and through. Most of all, don’t forget to remember what God says is true about You.

    I’ll wait for you.

    The Future You

    Clarisse H.

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    • Clarisse – I love this! You already know how amazing you are. I don’t even have to tell you, but I will anyway. You are AMAZING. I love love love this part: “Now, I protect myself by going where I’m celebrated and resting where peace greets me; speaking in spaces where my language flows freely and is reciprocated with flowers while I’m breathing.” You have so much strength and power inside of you and as a result you have set boundaries and created an environment for yourself that allows all your greatness to shine. Your kindness is apparent and you resilience is a part of who you are and who you have always been. I am sure the future you is so grateful for the present you and the past you! Thank you for being you and for sharing your beautiful and powerful soul with all of us <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren, your kind and encouraging words are always very much appreciated. I’ve spent too much time shying away from the resilient and string parts of me simply due to exhaustion and fear that if I exhibited those traits, I’d keep attracting things and situations I’d have to be resilient and strong for. However, I now realize these characteristics are just parts of me that should be viewed as gifts that I can share with the world, starting with you all. Thank you so much for embracing me just as I am.

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        • Aww yes, it is so true. There is a quote I once saw and loved. I am not sure who said it but it says, “I want to inspire people. ‘I want someone to look at me and say, because of you. I didn’t give up.'”

          Your journey will be someone else’s roadmap. Be proud of all that you are. You are right, they are gifts. You are a wonderful and beautiful human. Thank YOU for sharing your heart with us/me! <3 Lauren.

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          • “Your journey will be someone else’s roadmap.” Wow. That just lit a fire in me that I cannot yet describe to its fullest extent but that just gave me a reminder that this life we live isn’t just for us; it is to inspire and touch those around us too. Thank you so so much 🙏🏽

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    • Wow. You are an amazing person. This is such an inspiration. You already know who you are. Thank you for sharing your story. Your journey in someone else roadmap. <3

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      • Mavis, your compliment to who am I as a human being is truly an honor to receive. My journey recognizes yours and to connect is beyond fate! Thank you so much!

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    • What a touching and beautiful letter. It’s an honor to read this! You are inspiring and powerful, it really shines through in your written words! Cheering you on and I voted for you as well! 🙌

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    • Clarisse, this was beautiful. There was a depth and lyrical-ness in your letter that was very moving. I loved so many thoughts and it resonated deeply with my own experiences and feelings.

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    • Your words are so beautiful and encouraging and I’m sure that when the future you reads this they will be filled with comfort. Your imagery is very powerful. Thank you for sharing

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