

  • Carried through the night

    To whom it may concern,

    It seems I forgot how to let the
    prospect of beauty
    in its purest,
    fall graciously into
    my subconscious mind…
    Yes, the place where light liquidates,
    Where neurons shoot and transmute
    To fill dark holes and dusty spaces

    I figured I have no one else to blame
    but myself
    for when it gets too dark.
    It is I who got myself into the habit
    of naming my shadows
    turned familiars keen on
    purring gentle lullabies,
    soothing my body into the night.

    And I’ll admit
    I was Tempted to replicate these
    grayish hours
    So I lay there that morning after,
    alone, just like I’ve always been.
    Alone with delusions named
    tangible fantasies,
    what I’ve conjured for myself
    in the light of beautiful but misplaced passion.
    But in your absence,
    I delegate my time a bit more wisely
    and decided to use it for
    something different entirely.

    Given my quarrels with things
    beyond my control,
    I’m inclined to relinquish myself
    from this pretense of sadness
    So yes, I’m here for some unraveling!
    And yes, I’ll wrap myself in love-stricken
    cosmological acceptance
    Struck like Gold once more!
    I’ll my skin tough
    and viable
    Out of necessity,
    And I alone will protect myself from
    the cold that


    And though it may be quieter now,
    I won’t acknowledge
    the paranormal activity
    Of my prefrontal cortex-ting
    Me messages
    From Sad ghosts
    Keen on drawing on you
    in with their version of

    No, I won’t give in
    Instead, I’ll open the curtains,
    let the light back in.
    I’ll count the days till Equinox returns
    And I’m blessed again with summer’s infinite rays

    All that’s left is to wonder is
    “Who I can blame when
    the darkness finally returns?”

    Until next time.

    Sayge Baptiste, the Writer

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    • Sayge, I love love love this part “No, I won’t give in
      Instead, I’ll open the curtains,
      let the light back in.” Don’t give up! That is strength – To never give up , to never give in, and to ALWAYS LET THE LIGHT IN! Thank you for sharing. This is wonderful <3 Lauren

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    • Sayge, your poems are just so amazing. Such a brilliant mind. Keep on fighting that darkness every time it tries to return. You’re strong and resilient it’s just a test of how strong and resilient you are. Never give up! Keep fighting.

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    • The darkness tries to hinder our light but it’s clear to me that you are much stronger than that darkness. I’m proud you decided to open the curtain so the light will defeat the darkness. Thank you for sharing.

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  • A Letter to My Future Self

    Dear Future Self,

    I hope you fall into yourself gracefully.
    I hope you find the love that’s meant for you
    And finally accept that
    what you’ve been you’ve been seeking
    This entire time is actually you.

    You in all your glory,

    Dear Future Self,

    I hope you stop taking on the pain of others as your own
    Because you thought empathy was the one true thing
    That made you human,
    That proved that you also deserved compassion.

    I hope you learn the difference between
    Existentialism and simply letting yourself exist.

    Dear Future Self,

    In the past, you would tell yourself “no” before you were denied access
    You binged on rejection
    Then threw up the anxiety
    You had the nerve to blame
    The ingestion of too much circumstance
    When you should have had more compassion on your plate
    You simply needed more time to digest your lessons

    You tricked yourself into thinking you weren’t ready
    When it’s been you
    Who was waiting on me to finally see clearly.
    Dear Future Self,

    How blessed you are to be human
    I’m glad you made it.

    Thank you for all that you have done.
    Thank you for the trip you took out the country that
    changed your perspective on the world
    Thank you for reminding me what it means to be alive
    Thank you for finding the love of your life
    By simply looking in a mirror
    And recognizing that true love exists
    Where your soul smiles the brightest.

    Dear Future Self,

    The book you wrote is phenomenal.

    Remember to thank the friends you now call family
    In the Forward.
    Remember to hug your loved ones deeply,
    And never forget to say “I love you”
    When you truly feel it

    Thank you for speaking up when needed.

    Dear Future Self,

    Thank you for falling into yourself gracefully.

    With love,

    The Past

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    • I love this ending, “Dear Future Self,

      Thank you for falling into yourself gracefully.”

      Thank is such a beautiful idea. I think we all kind of fall into ourselves, and we try to do it as gracefully as possible. Let go of the anxiety, rejection and telling yourself no. Keep falling in love with yourself. That’s a beautiful thing to do. Thank you…read more

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