• paulweatherford submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem a letter about quote or motto that inspires youWrite a poem a letter about quote or motto that inspires you 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    Dear Martin (Hope that's not a copyright infringement lol)

    Dear Unsealers,

    My man MLKJ had words for days,
    I could go on and on listing quotes worthy of praise.
    But it’s not just the way with words that he plays,
    It’s not just his insane innovations in turning a phrase,
    It’s thanks to his actions that those quotes seem to blaze.
    His word and his deeds, piercing lights through the haze.

    The marching and rallying making change to our ways.
    The boycotting bewildering and melting the glaze.
    Eyes are drawn to light, thus his fight drew the world’s gaze.

    Throughout all of our history, through all of us living,
    The mightiest heroes are the one who never do give in,
    Who rather than that show us the gift within givin’-

    Givin’ your life for a cause, for your sisters and brothers,
    Makin’ the choice to do right, in spite of having countless others.
    Lookin’ fear in the face and granting it grace,
    While firmly commanding it to keep to its place.

    And that’s the same lesson, Martin taught through this quote,
    That’s the truth he lived and that he shared in these lines he wrote.
    The call to bring light to the darkest of places,
    To break down the walls blocking us from seeing true faces,
    Fear builds them so high, so we’re missing the traces,
    Of the love which pervades and unites us as one,
    The light of the day, of each rising sun,

    This love and this light is what matters the most.
    Light in fact stars in the quote that I’ll post,
    Martin’s light become love, I pray you’ll make it your toast.
    Please do your utmost to spread its luminous lesson from coast to coast.

    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

    Paul Weatherford

    Voting is closed

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    • Paul, this is one of my favorite quotes. It is so true and somehow people still don’t always see it. If we want the world to be a better place, we need to fill it with light instead of darkness. If we want to end the hate, we need to spread love and acceptance. Thank you for sharing your powerful poetry!

      Write me back 

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      • Well thank you for lighting me up with your kind words. It’s always great to meet a fellow MLK fan and a believer in the power of love to change the world!

        Write me back 

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