

  • Season 23

    My goal for the 2023 new year
    Is to not buy tickets to any
    I was a thespian, okay?
    Rehearsing the perfect line.
    In the perfect tone.
    I started to sound like
    Someone I did not quite recognize.
    So, I am trying something new this year,
    To be less of you and more of me.
    No more performing.
    No more stages.
    No more dressing up.
    This is a dress down
    Kind of year. One where the messy bun isn’t just a statement piece it is the piece to a missing girl. Who found herself lost in the 22nd act of the worst drama series ever. We are moving to romance this year. The best film ever. The one where the girl falls in love with you. You, over there, hidden in the glass mirror. I’ve seen you before. You look so familiar, and I don’t think I ever got your name last time. I want to take her out. On a really nice date. With cherry red picnic tablecloths and Sunday shaped strawberries. I want to taste the warmth of her skin on mine. I want to get to know her this year. I’ll scribble the same goal over every whiteboard in the house and as I bend over the kitchen counter, I’ll cut cucumbers into clouds and dream of the day I get to meet her. They say new year’s resolutions usually end the second week of January, but I’m hoping we’ll make it to April and then I can shower you in spring. My new year’s goal is to love more of you and less of me.


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    • Niesha, what a beautiful poem. I hope you are having the most wonderful romance story this year as you fall more and more in love with all that you are and all who are. Thank you for being a part of our family and sharing your truth. You are an inspiration. <3 Lauren

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    • Niesha this year it is all about you. Take yourself out on dates take care of yourself be able to pamper yourself. Once you do that you’ll be able to pamper others too. Also I myself use to be a thespian as well. Loved me so theatre in school.

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