
About me

What makes me a humble, yet inspiring person is that I’m a proud sole, individual! I’m proud to be me, and I don’t care what others think of me, whether they’re thoughts of me are positive or negative.
If you think I’m amazing…thank you! However, save the long term recognition for someone else! I appreciate your appreciation, but I’m not looking for endless attention!
Same for critics, if you don’t like me or my ways, then just pretend I don’t exist and leave me be.
ANSWER ME THIS: If you despise my guts, then why are you wasting your time acknowledging me, despite out of ridicule???
It’s the same question for you bullies, out there!!!
No matter, being a Christian I believe God made me exactly who I am, for a reason!
Thus, explains what makes me an inspiring person.
Which also labels the haters out there, as desperate fools who want attention in the most pathetic ways, they can pull!

My favorite quote

“No-one can be just like me anyway!” (A verse from Pink’s song 🎵 JUST LIKE FIRE❤️‍🔥🎶; It truly empowers my strength and confidences on a daily basis.)”

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