

  • Love this!
    “I don’t know where I am going
    But I know that I am growing”
    Trusting oneself and trusting the unknown – very hard endeavors but necessary for growth.

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    • Thank you so much! I’m happy that you can relate. Sometimes it’s difficult to know where you’re going, so trusting the process is key. I hope you’re doing well! ❤️

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  • Alyssa Grimes responded to a letter in topic Women’s Empowerment 2 weeks ago

    Wow, this perspective and understanding is exactly what I’ve needed. Being human, especially a woman, can be so complicated and uncomfortable and that’s okay. I especially appreciated the last paragraph – your practical advice, the nuances of womanhood and sisterhood, societal constructs and pressures, and identifying and processing our motivations behind our social media interactions/involvement. It’s given me a lot to think about moving forward. Thank you.

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  • Better Together

    Death looms all around us
    from our first moment of existence,
    at life’s coalescence,
    it shrouds our very essence,
    like breath rides with the wind.
    Eighteen funerals in a decade,
    remembering those lost lives lived.
    I find it ironic it’s called a wake,
    since they’re never to awaken again.
    Being Earth-side is hard and fleeting,
    we’re all just trying to survive
    until the day that every single one of us
    will eventually, inevitably die.
    Accidents and illness,
    people vicious and malicious,
    aging bodies growing old and weary,
    with tired minds and over-worked spines,
    usher infinite possible endings
    to this time we’re merely renting
    animating stories out of our control, really.
    So we need to lead with love,
    and remember to take care of one other.
    A dollar, a meal, a blanket, a hug,
    a conversation or sharing some of your luck,
    these little considerations
    have wide reverberations
    that make us humans driven
    towards connection and expansion,
    a purpose forged in our blood.
    It’s the humanity in humanity
    that saves us from insanity
    and provides direction on our journeys
    as we crawl through life in a hurry,
    wherein mortality we find unity,
    walking each another home unjudged.

    Alyssa Grimes

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Thank you so much for taking the time to read my writing and for taking the time to share such a kind sentiment!

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  • Liminal State to Temperance Fate

    Blessings swirled and danced and wove themselves through the lives of my capable friends, but seemed so unattainable, amends unavailable, to me and my sick intents.
    Most days were spent in a thick, foggy haze, plagued with the side effects from alcoholic ways.
    Ever drained from manufactured chaos.
    Long nights with short payoffs.
    And I was cocooned, bound and corrupt, drowning in my poisoned cups.
    Doomed to combust.
    Further fast-tracking my funeral once I discovered the stronger drugs.
    But one day, BAM, a clarity!
    A lightening bolt of serenity.
    It just hit me – this mystery – a jolt to rewrite my history.
    A new journey to heal after a decade of trouble and tragedy.
    I could really feel.
    This was a miracle I was too long scared to acquiesce; that is until I became more scared of impending, ultimate death.
    I had found my hope and I wanted to really live, not just cope.
    But I harbored so much jealousy and envy, it pooled and boiled within me, resentments lengthy. I was bitter at social media posts, vacations and dinner toasts, and those who were joyful and friendly I saw as an enemy – such a manic psyche in frenzy, anger too plenty.
    So I took a personal inventory, being fearless and thorough as a moral explorer remembering to not rest on my laurels marching forward with decorum.
    Apologies were spoken, forgiveness was given, and something that was broken within me now awoken, a new beginning.
    I couldn’t believe all this emotion, the cosmos burst open for me to be free to see reality, breathing sober breaths.
    Many people helped pull me up and out from Hell’s deep despair depths to where I could be content simply living in the present.
    The cliche’s like, “poor me, poor me, pour me another,” I’d discover, were just one of the many clever motivators to help me recover.
    In time I would find on this brighter side that if I did what was advised and followed my spirit guides and applied principles learned and tried to purge the pain, then blessings would emerge and inspiration would surge to unlearn a lifetime of my survival skills that no longer served.
    What was once inconceivable, an existence so unbelievable, finally made achievable, and with a lot of effort and belief I processed my trauma and grief.
    I entered into a new season of mind, something divine, one of intentional design after the old me died.
    And happiness and sobriety were not just a naïve fantasy, but an actual goal I could and did achieve.
    Today I can say I’m proud of who I became without shame or blame and reframe my past as a gift I purely needed to unpack.
    I’m thankful for the positive impact that negative experiences can refract back.
    I no longer lack or feel trapped or need to distract from life’s ebb and flow because I know no matter what I undergo, even a heavy blow that can knock me low, will only bestow lessons through which I get to grow.
    This meaningful life, once a dream, is now a very real thing, and at the center of my world, with clenched fists unfurled, I embrace all the love that I’ve always deserved.

    Alyssa Grimes

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Alyssa, I love this. I am so happy that you got yourself out of that rut, and didn’t dwell on it. You realized what was wrong, and you made yourself better from it. You took the negative and turned it into a positive. I aspire to be more like you!! Keep up the great work!! ♥

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  • To Inner Child’s Nurturing Nature

    Dearest part of me, Little Bee
    Always buzz buzz buzzing free
    So happy and willing to be seen
    Contrast to this self-effacing she
    Where I breathe weak
    Your bravery roots deep
    Down to the depths of our trauma
    Remaining after all these days
    The Flora to my Fauna
    You’ve had to be our Mama
    In so many different ways
    And carry us through difficulty
    While loving unconditionally
    Dancing boldly to wind’s song
    Even when I have cold feet
    You’re strong like an old tree
    Gently swaying me along
    Or sheltering when I retreat
    You taught us to hope and dream
    With the joy of playing dress-up
    Our closet overgrown with good luck
    Everyday still buds a new costume
    You are my soul in full bloom
    Forever young but older and wise
    Growing together side by side
    Branching us out with you our guide
    Undoubtedly Love you’ll always be
    The single greatest part of me

    Alyssa Grimes

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Alyssa, I loved reading your sweet poem to your younger self. You began with a sweet and childlike image of a happy young girl and moved on to tell about all the challenges she would face. It seems like you still have a lot of this inner child within you. Thank you for sharing your poetry.

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    • Roses replied 2 weeks ago

      Everyday still buds a new costume 🫰🏾🫰🏾🌹🌹, love this line ‼️

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