indigolove submitted a contest entry to
Write a poem a letter about quote or motto that inspires you 4 months, 2 weeks ago
There is no greater agony than bearing a untold story
Maya Angelou “ There is no greater agony than bearing a untold story inside of you”
In high school is where I became quite familiar with the most honorable Maya Angelou, her literature impacted deeply to say the least, even though I didn’t realize how deeply it did at the time. I choose this specific quotes because since my conception I have been a magnificent painful story in the making. It is a unfortunate experience to not understand your greatness, to cover it up, to mask it if you will. I became quite acquainted with playing it safe, it almost became a badge of honor if you will. I discovered I too like Ms. Angelou had the gift of writing and verbal expression when I was in high school around 14. My style could be described as almost painstaking, theatrical, powerful and brilliant. I stopped writing, I stopped creating words of power many years ago. My story continued, at 44 now I must elaborate to the world with love the consequences of NOT sharing your existence because of fear. I choose to give it all I got now because honestly it is too painful to not. This is my introduction as a gift to all the humans who have held back long enough.
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I’m so glad to hear you’re digging back into the power of your voice, Kimberly! Maya Angelou would be proud. I am a high school English teacher, and my classroom motto is “Words have power!” It’s cool to see you’re a believer in that truth as well. Keep up the great work!
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I am an English major currently working on my Masters and I love that you found your voice again after so many years of hiding. It is never too late to start writing again and I am excited to see what you produce!
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I sometimes fear I will lose my voice; I am young and I know people often lose their voice as life moves on and overwhelms them. It is always inspiring to read about people finding themselves again. I admire my peers that came back to school after many years so this poem really hits me right in the feels. Thank you for using your voice.
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This is so beautiful and very inspiring. I am someone who is just starting to get my work out in the world and has often times thought of giving up or changing routes entirely. It’s amazing to see someone as yourself continue to write with that passion that was with you at 14.
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