

  • My motto

    There is a pair of shoes that only you can fill that others can’t fit into!


    In life challenges there are people that you can reach and inspire that others can’t.

    Claudia Chavez

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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  • Knowing Your Worth!

    In order to know your worth after an abuse, you must say to yourself daily, “I know who I am and what I deserve. I am beautiful, worthy, important, special, unique, wonderful, and talented because I am perfectly created.” You’re not created to be under anyone’s foot but to walk beside them. You deserve peace and to feel safe. No one can extend help to another if they first do not acknowledge they have a problem and are willing to embrace change for themselves. You must know what you will tolerate and what’s not tolerable. Stop being complacent with being mistreated. You can’t force someone to respect you, but you can choose not to be disrespected. Respect and trust are a must in every relationship whether it is romantic, friendly, or professional. Once the respect and trust is broken, your relationship becomes sinking sand. Cut these chords even if they hurt. Healing will come once you discover who you are. Remember that you can’t change someone who doesn’t see a problem with their actions and behavior. Toxic behavior can become very draining and dangerous to your psychological and emotional health, if you allow it to go too far.We must learn to break the unhealthy cycles and cut them off completely. It’s better to hurt one last time and heal completely, than to continue to bleed from the same unhealed wound over and over. Walking away from toxicity is not because you’re weak but because you recognize your worth and value. Be courageous and do not let fear keep you where there is no love or respect. Remember that peace is everything. Do not allow anyone to turn you into a person you don’t even recognize anymore. You have to discipline yourself and say no more. Be a wise individual who doesn’t stand for conflict and refuses to be anyone’s victim. Remember, if a plant or flower is not watered it will wilt,it goes the same for us as human beings. We need to be watered, cared for and loved.

    Claudia Chavez

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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