  • db-cooper submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months ago

    Oh you pretty little thing

    Used and abused, but I still love you.
    Tattered and torn, but still going strong.
    Beaten and whipped, but still a little human.
    Im sorry didn’t pay attention to you and your will to keep on. sorry I didn’t take better care of you
    Now age sets in , paper mache skin wrapped around brittle bones, like a flag to a pole with out the glory.
    No more curves no more flow
    Sinking into the earth where I belong
    Where I was made, where I feel safe

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle this is well written. While I am glad you feel safe, you should still feel proud of your body. Sounds like your body is quite strong and perseverant! And that’s something to love and cherish, even if, at times, you weren’t always kind to your body. Sending love. Thanks for sharing. <3 Lauren

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    • Dear Danielle,
      It is never too late to change the trajectory of your life. You can now live a more healthy life and that will make you strong physically and mentally. I wish you all the best!


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