  • thewritelyrics submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 year ago

    Hey Girl Hey Keep Soaring!

    Dear Allonya 2023,

    Hey girl hey! We will be living our best life here in 2024. I know you are crying, sobbing and about to throw in the towel. Like the old Negro spiritual says, “Hold on just a little while longer”! You look in the mirror every day and smile but behind it, there’s sadness. Sis I know it’s hard, I am you, you are me, and we are she. You know we like to rhyme. I know you are smiling at that. Listen, our son is watching how you talk about yourself. He should not hear that hurt spewing out of our mouth. Stop saying you do not know why you are not as gorgeous as everyone else around you. Stop staying you are the lowest of the low because you have a degree making 32,000 a year and others making 880,000 a year with just a certificate. We have been acting, dancing, and writing for over 20 years here in Memphis. You feel as if your creative side has left. It is still there, it is in you and it will come to fruition. The twelve no’s received when we submitted our scripts for festivals put us in writers block for three months. We can not let those no’s determine our future. We got this. I know moving back home with mom put us in a dark place but it’s for the best. We can not live beyond our means. We should be happy we had a place to go to. I know you are frowning sis, turn that frown upside down. There is that giggle we love to do. We are going to reach our full potential here in 2024. We will change our speech to positive words about our looks and creativity. Always stating that we are gorgeous, talented and loving it. We will have our own house near mom, and she will be spoiling her grandson even more. You are going to purchase a second car, oops excuse me an SUV. You will excitingly creatively hone your craft. Our web series that we started back in 2022 will flourish because when we drop Season 2 summer 2023 all eyes will be on us. I see Movie companies wanting a season 3 of the web series in 2024 and telling us they will fund it and we can pay our actors. Massive celebrities and writing companies will call us and even fly to Memphis just to get us to write their next big movie and tv shows. We will go to therapy with our son more to stop any generational curse we may have. In addition to praying to our God whole-heartedly helps us tremendously. In addition, we will definitely stop second-guessing, our skin problems, and weight problems and knowing we are beautiful, there is no stopping us. You have to keep the faith. We had many trials in 2023. They felt like they just fell in our lap to destroy us. We serve a God that said seek his face and we did just that. Listen to me Allonya you got this! Get off that floor crying, wipe those tears and hug our son. Stand up straight and yell, “Hey girl hey keep soaring”! Stepping out on faith is scary but when we step sis I know we will take over 2024 in a great way. Let’s do this, we got this! We are not giving up! I love you! It starts with our new and improved 2023 self.

    Yours and I mean Truly Yours,

    Allonya 2024

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    • Allonya, I am so glad you are not giving up, and you are going to continue to go after your dreams. There is a quote that I remind myself of at times that goes something like, “Don’t quit before the magic happens.” Your magic will happen because you are smart and talented, and beautiful, and you will not give up until it does. Don’t compare yourself to others. You never know what someone’s real story is, plus it has no value. Just focus on yourself. Keep doing all you can to pursue your dreams and your happiness. You so deserve it. And be proud of yourself for making tough sacrifices to go after your dream. That takes courage! Keep going! I can’t wait to see your name in lights. You are a star! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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