  • Wheels Up, Buttercup

    “Greetings and thank you for boarding flight “1 Life to Flight”
    I am your pilot, and we will be traveling non-stop to beautiful Peaceland.”


    Something cool about Mommy you probably didn’t know is, Mommy’s a pilot.

    I take on uncharted and sometimes unfamiliar territories of life with only the whimsical buildup of experimental confidence.
    Hazy vision accompanied with anxious jolly demeanor, I want to fully enjoy riding the wave of life, steering deep into the abyss of the destination hoping for safe travels each time.

    Each day I gear up and get prepared for smooth flights and careful landing, even though turbulence looms over quite a few trips.

    I worry greatly if the passengers aboard will have enough connection to me. I don’t want the distance between the aisle and the cockpit to determine the connection. I want to get a great feel for everyone and see the smiles, the undeniable happiness of floating away to places where the sun kisses you in the morning to a frosty mountain top at night.
    I often wonder will I be able to provide peace upon boarding? Can they look at me and tell my fear is great, or have rest assured we’ll all land safe.
    Oh, and Son, I like to provide awesome snacks, even on days when I can’t eat. Mentally.
    A word that has plastered itself to my name. Every day before flight Mentally and I take a brisk jog. We discuss what we learned from the last trip and areas of improvement for the upcoming one. Mentally is a friend of mine. Sometimes we have the best of times and ends in great laughter other times, mentally has me too wound up and I must go “AP” promptly.

    “Auto pilot”, I really try to avoid that feature of self. I desire to live and thrive in the reality of the ride. Not be consumed by the unsteady control switch. I intend to be hands on and alert throughout entire flight. Not matter how long it takes to get through TSA, baggage claim and settling in for overnight stays in new cities.

    Son, the tears you’ve seen Mommy cry are not always sad ones. There are tears of happiness, constant wars within self, proud flag planted triumphs, tears of peaceful surrender and tears of absolute joy watching you grow. I’m so incredibly thankful that I am a “pilot”.
    My mental health equips me with a life jacket awareness and ultra “fight or flight” responses. I am working hard to make sure it’s a great snug fit.

    I want you to know with each day, I will always give a grand effort to earn as many frequent flyer miles as possible, smile more and worry less and be positively ever changing.
    Mommy is proud to suit up and land safely in the world of life. No matter the distance
    I thank you for being air crafted and designed just for me and being the best copilot thus far.


    Signing off,

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