  • shelleybrill shared a letter in the Group logo of Health, Wellness and Chronic ConditionsHealth, Wellness and Chronic Conditions group 1 years, 9 months ago

    Fighting the Worrying Beast and Beating it Down

    Dear Worrier,
    How frustrating to feel like a basket case all the time. Most people, as they age develop a laisez fair attitude. They have lived the majority of the life and they are still able to take a breath. But not me. A few years ago in my early sixties I noticed I started to look at the dark side of life. I always worried I would experience a terrible tradegy in my life. Plane rides, car rides, covid, crowds, swimming in the ocean,big dogs all became frightening to me.
    As I aged, I had to learn to manage the worrying beast. Mornings had become the worst part of my day. I would just lay there and ruminate about a myriad of scary issues.
    I am happy to say I have learned a coping technique. Its a simple solution. I rise , walk my dogs and get busy with my daily activities. At this point I can feel the negative thoughts disappear. . For me, being productive and busy is what liberates me from the beast.
    Moving foward, I am determined to embrace and focus on the positive aspects of my life. My children’s acheivements,my new home, and the fact that my spouse and I have each other to navigate thru life. I know that there will always be trials and tribulations in my journey but there will also be immeasurable joy.

    Shelley Brill

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    • I also fight the worry beast. Unfortunately that beast has been with me since I was only 5 years old. I found that I clean a lot when I start to worry. It’s great until I crash. I’m glad that you found what works for you though. And I’m sure that joy will come with every waking day. Thank you for sharing.

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    • You are so right, and I love it. See, all you had to do was to stop just lying around thinking and worrying. Once you get busy, you don’t have much time to worry. I’m like you though, I worry a lot as well, about my daughter and grandkids and I mean a lot, but I noticed when I’m very busy, I don’t worry as much. When I’m home alone and I do live alone, the worrying creeps up. A lot of them time, it doesn’t last too long, because worrying never stopped what’s intended to happen. We can’t stop what’s going to happen anyway, no matter how much we worry. All we can do is pray it doesn’t happen and if it does, we will survive it and try to get through it. That’s all we can do. I remember when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I cried and worried so much, but once I prayed very hard in a chapewl at my job, it was if soemoen was there and said, “If you beleive in me, live as you should, You will be alright”, From that day forward, I believed and I was OK. Then later down the line, I received another horrible diagnose of colon cancer and I worried a little, but all I wanted to know from the MD, “what’s the plan and lets get to it”. I have a life to live, and I’m not going to allow this to stop me, start all the crying and worrying again. There was nothing I can do about it, It’s here, lets fight!

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