  • potionpoetry submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came trueWrite a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true 1 months ago

    Dream of Adventure

    Since I was young,
    I dreamed and dreamed of a day,
    Where I’d find adventure,
    And it would lead me away.
    An experience to take me out of my comfort zone,
    I dreamt of adventuring with someone,
    Not just on my own.
    I made up stories to write about,
    I fantasized, romanticized, until my dream of adventure appeared in a time of doubt.
    Falling at my fingertips,
    There it was.
    In the form of another,
    Through a screen,
    Unexpectedly, I met my dream.
    On life’s journey, at the same pace as me,
    We happened upon each other,
    While in separate countries.
    I asked the world; what does this mean?
    And it replied that the answer lies in the depth of life’s mysteries.
    To know true meaning,
    One must immerse themselves in the unknown.
    And with that, I leaned in further and further until my heart whispered, ” Let’s go!”
    Because dreams and adventure are about diving in, letting go, and figuring it out,
    So I dove,
    I let go, submerged myself in the murky water below.
    I got lost,
    And fell in love;
    And so began the greatest adventure I’d ever known.
    We went exploring,
    Saw alligators and Grizzlies,
    We hiked the Appalachians and wandered the magnificent Rockies.
    We visited new cities and tried delicious food,
    We decided on forever and in font of a mountainous backdrop exchanged “I do’s.”
    As in many adventures sometimes you lose your way,
    He took a wrong turn in the dark,
    And I ended up caught in the rain.
    Trudging through the mud that wanted to bring me down,
    I heard the wind whisper to me that at times we have to be lost in order to be found.
    To walk the woods o the unknown,
    To weather the rain, the wind, the snow.
    To learn that with love there comes pain,
    And life’s challenges bring experience to gain.
    This is what gives ‘living’ life,
    Finding myself in the depths of the mud realizing I had never felt more alive.
    I knew now what the wind meant and what I was made to go through.
    I was meant to find myself alone and afraid, so once beyond the rain,
    I could look at myself and say,
    “You are strong, you are brave”
    And know it to be true.
    Beyond the darkness and the storm,
    I viewed my dream in a new form.
    I was no longer scared of going the adventure on my own,
    And it was when I was afraid that I’d really grown.
    I kept walking the path,
    Not knowing if our shared adventure would last, hoping we’d find our way back.
    Back to each other, changed on our own journey.
    And there he was wanting to repair and continue adventuring with me.
    We interlocked fingers, walking hand in hand,
    We spoke of the hurt and sought to understand.
    And thus I had my dream come true,
    And the dream hasn’t stopped.
    I dreamt of adventure,
    And adventure is exactly what I got.


    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Kristina, this is so cute. I am so happy for you. You found a person that you not only loved unconditionally but who you could adventure with and live out your dreams with! I am glad that you have been able to live freely and do the things you wanted to do without being held back. Congratulations!! ♥

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