  • Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 2 weeks ago


    you are that which calls,
    silky flowing hair,
    deep eyes to die in,
    diamond in form,
    i bow to your waist,
    lay my head at your hips and pray,
    you are poetry,
    but it’s not your body that i want,
    it’s the body you’re inside of,
    and i want inside,
    i want to share your mind,
    to see me how you see me,
    to see you how you see you,
    to break free from the chains of the material world,
    and intertwine with your spirit,
    a coil forming around a love without word,
    a love there is no word for,
    hermetic, prometheus, my punishment is for daring to breach the seal that binds us to being,
    my punishment is that i cannot be part of you,


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